Thursday, September 25, 2014

Trinity College invites YOU to the Young Leaders Programs in December [OS]

Young Leaders Programs offer students aged between 14 and 17 a taste of university life, right here in Australia. In December, students can choose an academic stream - all of which align with the University of Melbourne's New Generation undergraduate degrees, to give students an idea of what they might like to study in the future.

The Young Leaders Programs are designed to inspire, increase confidence and guide students on a pathway to tertiary education

In 2013, more that 250 students participated in the Young Leaders Programs. In July 2014 alone, Trinity College provided opportunities for an unprecedented 221 students across the Arts, Commerce, New York Jazz Symposium, Fine Arts, Biomedicine, Leadership for Social Justice and English Intensive Streams.

The Young Leaders Programs is one of the pathways that students can participate in, which is a stepping stone into the Trinity College Foundation Studies program after high school. YLP and TCFS work together to prepare students for Australia's best tertiary education.

December 2014 will be very exciting for Young Leaders, with the following streams: 

Based on psychological principles, students will explore Arts majors such as psychology, media and communications. Students will investigate the psychology behind how they persuade others for their own benefit, and how such techniques can influence their interactions and the decisions they make.

Students will also have the chance to dissect media industries and their impact on politics, society and culture. Students in this stream will visit the Melbourne Magistrates Courts and participate in a number of interactive workshops and experiments.

In this stream, students will explore the world of medicine and medical research, including genetics, human physiology and human structure and function. They will also Investigate the issues pertinent to our world today, and look at the rapidly changing areas of forensics and bioethics.

Your students will perform real dissections, visit the genetics laboratories at the University of Melbourne, help solve a murder mystery and venture on excursions to the Melbourne Museum and the Zoo.

Back by popular demand, students will explore the fields of accounting, business, economics, finance, management and marketing. Students will be introduced to the Australian legal system, civil and contract disputes, the Australian accounting and economics systems, the use of GST, and the developing area of green economics.

The Commerce stream will give students an insight into life in the world of business as they participate in interactive workshops and a stock market exchange game.

Science / Engineering
Students will discover the complex world of engineering majors: chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical systems, as well as mathematics, statistics and physics. By looking at how society is progressing in the world of technology and outer space, students will discover the amazing innovations made in astronomy and engineering. Students will visit the Melbourne Museum, participate in a robotics workshop and make their own solar cells and rockets.

Dates : Arrive on Sunday 30 November and depart on Sunday 14 December 2014
Cost : AUD$3,300 per student (does not include flights or travel insurance which is optional if you have sufficient private health cover)
Includes : Tuition, return airport transfers, meals, accommodation, mentoring, academic and extracurricular activities

Please call IDP Pondok Indah at 021-727 90950/7234 944/7234 946 for further details
Completed application form along with the 100-word Personal Statement by 11 October 2014

No matter how great your ability today, your chance to succeed is the same if you dare to TRY! Good luck!:)
Source: Email from IDP

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Internship Opportunities in UNDP Indonesia [I]

UNDP Indonesia is committed to building future leaders. Therefore, our Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of UNDP. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned in our office, where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments. Our staff will guide student to get experience in specialized in various professional fields and enable student to expose themselves in international environment.
To take part in the programme, we look for the following minimum eligibility criteria:
Interested students must send the following documents to with subject : APPLICATION FOR INTERNSHIP
    File 1: Resume or Curriculum Vitae
    File 2: Letter from university confirming current enrollment and graduation date
    File 3: School transcript
  File 4: Letter of endorsement from a senior faculty member who has directly supervised the student
    File 5: Copy of valid medical insurance
    File 6: Copy of valid life insurance
    File 7: Completed application for UNDP internship programme
Other required files such as Application Form and Internship Agreement, as well as for more detail information, you can find it in the following link :
In above link, you can find current internship job openings. However, if none is appropriate with your education background or interest, please try to send an email to
Show that you are interested to join an internship program in UNDP and ask is there any opportunities in your respective field. 
Do not give up in advance, find another way to pursue the opportunity if you are truly interested. 

No matter how great your ability today, your chance to succeed is the same if you dare to TRY! Good luck!:)