Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pansophia Indonesia, giving good education on early childhood for under privileged children [SA]

Yayasan Pansophia Indonesia

Did you know that school enrollment is less than 50% in Indonesia

Children who are not enrolled in schools exhibit less tolerance to their peers of different religion and race and are more likely to be involved in violence.

Here at Pansophia Indonesia, we believe in the strength and influence of a good early childhood education to give children the foundation of a good character building and a different perspective in life despite their unfortunate circumstances.

Pansophia Indonesia
A non-profit foundation to support under privileged children by providing schools and educational facilities.

What we do?
- Giving proper education which includes general knowledge, subject learning, character building, and also community education.
- Focus on early childhood (3-5 years old). This is when brain development is at it’s most rapid and character evolvement occurs.
- Has built two schools and caters to approx 100 under-privileged children.
- Co-operate with a known organization to provide in quality teaching.
- Also, helping malnutritioned children, providing education for parents, & assisting in community development.

How can you help?
We need YOU. Because we are non-profit foundation, we completely rely on companies and individuals to take part in giving back to the community.

1. Adopt-a-Child
With only 300,000 IDR per month, you will provide a child with education, mentor support, opportunity to socialize with his/her peers and also daily nutritious food that is essential for one’s growth.

2. Items Donations We are constantly accepting food, clothes, books, equipment, toys that are in good condition. 

3. Operational Funding
These funds are used to enable our foundation to expand and help more children in need. This may include school expansions, teacher training, fundraising events, etc.

4. Volunteering
Weekend Volunteers:
We are trying to enable the creative exploration of art, music, and sports for the kids. With the development of our programs, we need committed individuals to dedicate a few hours on a few Saturdays in a month to assist them in exploring their hidden talents.

Event Volunteers:
Occasionally, we have outdoor activities and events sponsored by companies. These include trips to the zoo, movies, etc. To ensure the safety of the children, we usually need 1 adult to every 3 children.

Fundraiser Volunteers:
With the limited staff that we have, it becomes challenging to appeal to people for funding. We need individuals who can be committed to be our fundraisers.

at if you have any questions and suggestions of how to help us improve!:)

Our goal is to continue to extend our facilities and services to cater to more children.The future of Indonesia is our responsibility and every effort, however small, will make a great impact on them.

Source: Pansophia Indonesia

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